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Driving:listening to rap would increase responsiveness in the car, according to a study

What if the style of music you listen to in the car could have an influence on your driving? This is confirmed by a recent study conducted by British scientists. And the results are amazing!

Driving:listening to rap would increase responsiveness in the car, according to a study

It is a unique experience. The UK-based behavioral science consultancy analyzed the reactions of 103 drivers to situational scenarios, in a study carried out in collaboration with CX Lab and a car insurance company. And they've shattered some driving clichés...

Coffee and rap, two positive factors on driving

To carry out the study, the researchers measured the reaction times of 103 drivers under various hazardous conditions. Of course, the tests were not carried out in a real car engaged on a road but virtually. They then confronted them with different factors such as sounds, to see which ones could affect reactivity in the face of danger at a speed of 112 km/h. The virtual drivers had to click a button as soon as they spotted the danger.

The results obtained are rather amusing. First observation, drink a strong coffee 20 minutes before, would allow you to stop 26 meters before what you would do without having consumed the drink. Even more interesting, listen to rap also improves responsiveness to danger. Drivers would thus stop on average 16 meters earlier. But this is not the case for all music! Conversely, listening to R&B increases reaction time by approximately 4 meters.

Women, more reactive than men

If you're used to having restless kids in the back, maybe you should let them; Indeed, hearing noisy children by car surprisingly improves the reaction time, this time up to 14 meters.

Last but not least:women have a better reaction time than men, 690 milliseconds on average. Yes gentlemen, at a speed of 112 km/h, the study shows that female drivers stop 21.48 meters before male drivers. So the question is, the sexist cliché "woman driving, dead at the turn "Will he survive this study? We'll leave you to ponder on that!